Video Index:
0:00 Welcome
1:23 What is Axie Infinity?
3:07 Why play Axie?
6:10 Crypto Kitties and Origins
8:24 The Future of Axie
10:23 Gas Prices and Friction
12:55 Geography and Users
18:40 DeFi and Axie
21:55 Incentives
24:18 Governance
45:03 Ronin, new Axie Blockchain
What is Axie?
Axie is a movement disguised as a digital pet game. So the game itself centers and revolves around battling collecting these kind of adorable monsters called axies, I think the secret sauce is that we carefully structure the economy, and basically using blockchain, which allows our players to earn crypto by playing. And so this kind of, you know, this because this been this phenomenon around the concept of play to earn, where people are feeding their families during the pandemic, and playing Axie infinity, I think that’s, you know, kind of what, what’s made us kind of what’s helped us make a name for ourselves so far. And we’ve also seen Axies, you know, become very highly coveted collector’s item. And with some axes selling for hundreds or 1000s of dollars.
So the idea behind Axie is that it’s not just one game, it’s going to be an entire universe of games. What we currently have out is a battle card battling game. It’s kind of similar (to Pokemon). It’s not actually similar to anything but yeah, you can kind of play different cards. Each Axie has six different body parts and those body parts actually correspond to different cards. And and yeah, so the battles are 3v3, you can battle against other players, which in real time, there’s a leaderboard with actually with you know, rewards, we’ve given out things like AAVE tokens, Khyber network tokens, real gold, in the form of gold backed tokens from DIGITS, and also our governance token, which basically is kind of a slice or part of our universe. And yeah, so we also have we’re also have a land system under development, which will basically allow you to build a kingdom for these Axies.
Axie Land Buying
People have been buying and selling land for a while now. And kind of in anticipation, and to get ready for the launch of land. We actually did a seven day demo in December, which I think, you know, people are really excited about. And so yeah, that’s, that’s another really important aspect to the game. There’s also the kind of biological aspect to the game where we try and, you know, Axies are, they have their own genetic code, and you’re able to actually breed Axies. That’s part of actually what balances the economy is that we have this breeding system, but in order to actually breed in Axie, you need to use these potions (SLP or Simple Love Potions) and those potions can actually own be earned by playing the game, we don’t actually sell them right like a convention or mainstream game studio might sell them themselves and try to monetize that way. And but we don’t, we don’t sell them. And if so if anyone wants them, they have to get them from uniswap, or now Binance. And this one, it was one of the things that’s kind of fueled this idea of played around where basically, we don’t step in to certain markets, and we leave them totally up to the players. And I think when you give players autonomy, and the right to control, you know, one of the markets around the game and you know, you don’t force them to kind of have to do black market deals or use trusted third party sites. And we’re, you know, we build the marketplace, ourselves, and when So basically, when you let them have that a lot of really interesting behaviors begin to emerge.
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