A discussion with Josh Fraser who is a founder of Origin Protocol. Origin has launched oUSD which is a stable coin with very interesting properties.
Video Index:
1) How did Origin and OUSD get started? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=104
2) How does OUSD work? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=299
3) Can the OUSD balance also go down? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=403
4) How does gas cost work with OUSD? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=614
5) How OUSD plans to compete with Tether https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=793
6) What new mechanisms will you add to OUSD? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=954
7) What other currencies will you add to OUSD? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=994
8) How will OUSD strategies be managed? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1091
9) How will OUSD be governed? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1248
10) How does OUSD defend against vampiric forks? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1412
11) Anonymous DeFi Founders https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1565
12) Why stable coins? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1761
13) Origin Protocol and eCommerce https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1844
14) Why is Origin DShop better than Shopify? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=1941
15) How much traction for DShops? https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=2029
16) Current OUSD TVL and traction https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=2145
17) OUSD Contract Audits by Trail of Bits https://youtu.be/JUF32K4pC6U?t=2209
First and foremost, OUSD is a stable coin that is pegged to the value of the US Dollar.
But the amazing thing about OUSD is that they are using very novel mechanisms in Ethereum DeFi to update your balance without costing you any gas fees. This technique was pioneered by AmpleForth (AMPL) and involves calling an Update Balance method as opposed to sending tokens to the wallet.
The result is that you hold stable coins pegged to the US Dollar–and as the OUSD treasury increases as a result of holding and farming yields in DeFi through fairly stable and well-known protocols like Compound Finance (COMP). The increases in the value of the treasury are then distributed to holders of OUSD. So the actual number of OUSD you hold should increase (or decrease possibly) over time depending on the size of the OUSD treasury.
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